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Do you know the precautions for maintenance of electric nursing bed?

When not in use, put the multi-functional electric medical bed at a lower position, wrap the power cord and controller wire, push it to a safe place, and brake the universal wheel.Conduct regular inspection to check whether the controller wire and each linear driver wire and plug are firm and reliable, and whether the connecting bolt is loose.





Safety precautions for the use of medical beds

Purpose Before using the electric medical bed, first check whether the power cord is plugged in. Whether the controller cable is reliable.The linear drive power supply and power cord of the controller must be rotated between the elevator and the upper and lower bed frames.





Detailed explanation of the assembly steps of the multifunctional nursing bed

Install the legs of the bed: the two longer ones are the legs of the bed. First, remove the screws on the legs of the bed, clip the legs of the bed to the bed board, and then re-fix the screws. The nuts used in this product are all lock nuts, so you don't need to tighten them too tightly. The two shorter beams are beams, which are respectively fixed on the installed leg of the bed, and gently shake the leg of the bed to ensure that there is no looseness.





Is it better to be electric or hand-cranked for medical nursing beds?

According to the general classification of medical nursing beds, medical nursing beds can be divided into medical manual nursing beds and medical electric nursing beds. No matter which kind of nursing bed, the purpose is to make it more convenient for nursing staff to take care of patients and make patients as comfortable as possible. Improve your mood in the environment and help your health.





Talking about the preventive and health-care functions of the multifunctional nursing bed

Prevention of bedsores is caused by the patient's long-term bed rest, which causes local pressure to cause blood circulation obstacles or local malnutrition in this part, followed by local skin and soft tissue ulceration. Bed sores mainly occur in bony areas, such as the middle of the buttocks, the large trochanter area of ​​the upper femur, the back of the heel, etc.; the functions of Fuljia brand multifunctional electric bed, such as raising the back, raising the legs, and turning over, greatly promote the blood of bedridden patients. Circulation to prevent the occurrence of bedsores.





Rehabilitation equipment needs to be used reasonably

Stimulate muscle movement through the correct pattern to achieve the purpose of stimulating nerves.Exercise stretches and compresses the muscles, increases the meridian return pressure, and improves blood circulation.





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